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 JULY 2021

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Ellen E
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Ellen E

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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 29, 2021 9:40 pm

Indy, I don't claim to know anything about this, but could you contact his doctor to ask for a patient advocate? That's supposed to be a person who can help navigate the complexities of the system.
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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 29, 2021 11:29 pm

I am so sorry for your brother's problems. I wouldn't know where to start looking for help either. Social Services might have some help, or at least know where to go to look for it. He really needs some kind of legal advocate. I have to wonder if his wife still has to provide the health insurance if they are not divorced, especially since he is disabled.

My youngest sister is on my late father's social security because of her disability. She is 56 this year and does get Medicaid and Medicare because of her being on social security and being disabled. I think I would check with social security about your brother's eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid. I hope it works out for him....

We took Daisy and Areion to have feet trims at Va Tech yesterday. It was hot. Areion was wringing wet, but behaved very well. They had big noisy fans going and she never flinched at the noise. Daisy seems to enjoy her pedicure trips. Poor Ivan was left at home, yelling his head off for his women to come home.

The kitchen is pretty much done, cabinets rearranged and restocked, and the floor looks great. There is more counter space next to the stove! Donnie is finishing the living room floor today and we should be able to put the furniture back in there tomorrow morning. We won't get to the bedroom's tile before my family shows up on Saturday. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.affraid
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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2021 12:52 am

INDY, it seems SSI should help your brother......I don't know enough about the system but I know if you call a hospital
and ask for social services they can investigate for him on what's available...........

ARK, you're getting there........HOORAY!
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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2021 9:40 am

thank you all for your suggestions. I know there has to be someplace out there to help navigate the system, I never thought to ask the Dr. about a patient advocate. Thank you.
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Age : 76
Location : Danville, PA

JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2021 7:05 pm

Hello girlfriends.  Just wanted to share with you that Ace crossed the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon.  He had been really getting worse and worse the last month.  Falling down, no interest in his toys or playing, no interest in people or the barn cat friends.  His lumps were getting larger and his back legs would give out when he walked, yesterday he smelled just awful...I wiped his butt, cleaned his ears, checked his teeth & his feet...NOTHING...then I tried to help him stand up by putting my hands under his front legs and eewwwww my hand was full of pus and yucky stuff.  One of his lumps had opened up and was infected.  Doctored him and called the vet immediately. 

He slept from 4 yesterday to 1:30 AM when I took him out and then right back to sleep.  He did eat a tiny breakfast and back to sleep until 2:00 when the neighbors (God bless them) we have super neighbors showed up and helped load him into the SUV on his dog bed.  He never moved at the Vet, just cried a little bit.  I had written up a list of what was going on with him for the vet, when he came into the room he said " you are right it is time to end his pain, he had a good long life 12 years is old for a Lab."  His 12th birthday is tomorrow. So Ace passed quietly into dog Heaven as I held him in my arms, crying...we miss him already.  It is going to be so strange without him, he was a big part of our lives.  So very sad, but it was the right thing to do for Ace.

Love & prayers....
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Ellen E

Ellen E

Posts : 3937
Join date : 2012-03-27

JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2021 7:37 pm

Awwww, Trudy. I'm sooooo sorry. Ace had a wonderful life, but our pets lives are never long enough.
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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 30, 2021 8:46 pm

OhTRUDY & GEORGE.................I have no words for your situation........Ace is a huge loss and
adjustment..............my condolences from here........hugs

hug hug hug
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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 01, 2021 1:32 am

I am so sorry about Ace. It seems he was just a puppy. You were right about the timing. It's the only thing I hate about having animals, I wish they could stay with us so much longer. I always go with my animals on their last trip, too. I am sure it makes them more secure, even though it tears me up. Big hugs for you and George.... hug

Our house looks better than it has in years. The tile looks wonderful, the kitchen looks much better, and except for the junked up back bedroom, the place looks quite livable!
Vicki, Annie, and family showed up this afternoon. The 'cabin' is very nice, it's really a good sized house. It has just about everything needed for comfortable living....except no tv or internet. Vicki's grandkids don't know if they will survive the week, LOL. I took my great nephew a series of books for boys his age, and a Frisbee. He liked the Frisbee anyway. Very Happy I read the books and they are pretty good. I hope he gets into them. I gave my great niece some coloring books, crayons and a unicorn game. She has an iPad, so has games on it. She'll survive okay. There's a lake, trails, swimming area, and boats. If they ask, I will lead them around on Daisy. I suspect Ivan and Areion are a bit too reactive for them. Annie is looking good! I gave her a series of books, too, and she is a great reader. She and Rachel can give Trinket a bath if they want. Very Happy We are going to have a busy week.
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Posts : 2759
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JULY 2021 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JULY 2021   JULY 2021 - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 01, 2021 1:48 am

Time to change the calendar....

Go to: https://horsefriends.forumotion.com/t120-august-2021#13667

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