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Posts : 2836
Join date : 2012-03-27

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptyFri Oct 29, 2021 9:43 pm

Hi all,

So what's up?

I've been out and busy today without a lot of results.........LOL. I'm thinking about a new
refrigerator.......the waterline in my current one has broken twice now and not worth
the expense to continue to repair it. I can't remember when I purchased it, I would have
to look on the receipt, but I'm done with it.............So, the hunt is on. I think it's 15 or 16
yrs old.

What's everyone doing for halloween? We don't even have candy. We gave a bunch
to the church for trunk or treat. We don't have kids in the hood anymore as it's done through
the churches.........long gone are the days when kids mobbed the doors around here.

No news here.........everybody is fine for now.
Everyone have a great evening. flower

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Posts : 2759
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : Virginia

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptyFri Oct 29, 2021 10:13 pm

I bet that was fun to watch! I hadn't heard of that tradition. Very Happy

We aren't doing anything for Halloween. Kids never come here, we aren't in a busy neighborhood. We did put an inflatable black cat on our porch that is about 3 1/2 feet tall. He is on our porch swing's canopy. Only the UPS man and mailman ever see it. But I like it! I may put some Christmas ornaments on it and put it back outside with the white inflatable Christmas cat I got a couple of years ago. Very Happy

Donnie and I are over our booster reactions. We got the shots on Wednesday, along with the geezer flu shots, and Donnie ran a temp on Thursday and was basically worthless all day. I mostly just felt tired and craved a nap, but didn't get one since he felt bad and someone had to do things around here. Today, Friday, we are both okay. That didn't take too long!
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Ellen E

Ellen E

Posts : 3937
Join date : 2012-03-27

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptyFri Oct 29, 2021 10:21 pm

It has rained and rained and rained. The water level looks like spring floods. I'm so glad my place is buttoned up for winter.

This area is doing the Trick or Treat night tomorrow night. The local church is doing a Trunk or Treat, as are many other churches in the area. The continuing rain might dampen the Halloween spirit.
I will probably have 3 little trick or treaters tomorrow evening, Scarlett, Lilah, and Nora. I think I'll make some chocolate chip cookies, and send enough for Mom and Dad too. There aren't any other kids who live around here.

Graymare, a friend bought a new refrigerator that has the door in a door thing. Frequently used items are in the little door so the whole big door doesn't have to be opened to get them.
All my appliances are 13 years old and seem to be hanging in there pretty well. Of course, having said that, at least one of them will give up tomorrow. (ohhhh I hope not)
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Posts : 877
Join date : 2012-03-27
Age : 76
Location : Danville, PA

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptySat Oct 30, 2021 6:47 am

ARK:  Diana is doing great with her new leg.  She uses a walker but can at least get around.  She is a very determined woman.  Nothing is going to stop her, she has always had that attitude.  She said if someone would pick her up she would come to our church group meetings...sooooooo Bev & I managed to get her in early before anyone arrived.  The look on their faces when they saw her sitting there was priceless.   Her next mission is to be able to driver her own car.  She will do it, no doubt in her mind or mine either. She is a inspiration to all of us.

It's been raining here for a couple days.  UUGGHHHH  Our trunk or Treat was moved inside last night.  Our group didn't have a table this year, it was supposed to be outside with NO one inside so we decided not to stand out in the cold night air, no sense in getting us old girls sick, let the younger people do it.  Then yesterday they moved it to all inside but too late for us to change our minds.  Oh well..next year..

We are having a contest at church..the pastor who was donated the most candy for Trunk or Treat is going to get a pie in the face.  It's going to be a howling good time.  Our pastors are all such great personalities...and will take it all in fun.  Can't wait to see who wins.  I've worked really hard to get Pastor Ken (our group pastor) the most candy.  ROFL
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Ellen E

Ellen E

Posts : 3937
Join date : 2012-03-27

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptyMon Nov 01, 2021 3:41 pm

Trudy, did Pastor Ken "get it" in the face? Were you a good candy raiser?

After a long cloudy rainy week, this week is starting out much better. Sun and blue sky. Leaves are about at the peak of color.
The flood water is just beginning to recede. I hope a neighbor will be able to find their swim platform that floated away sometime late last week. It had been pulled ashore in August, but not high enough to avoid the high water.

Other than that, all is quiet in the neighborhood.
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Posts : 877
Join date : 2012-03-27
Age : 76
Location : Danville, PA

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptyMon Nov 01, 2021 4:02 pm

ELLEN: Yes Pastor Ken did get a pie. In fact, they did 4 pies. Pastor Mandy who is the kids pastor got 2 pies, one at each service and Pastor Ryan & Pastor Ken tied for second place so they both got a pie. Pastor Arlie was very secretive and he walked back and forth between them..laughing, teasing them. Pastor Ken looked shocked & was not prepared when he got his pie...LOL LOL We cheered...our pastors are all such good sports...

The church collected over 100,000 (yes that figure is right) pieces of candy, they had to count it all. We had 800 kids go thru the line on Friday night. We always get a lot of kids.

It finally stopped raining today. Thank God...enough...rain.
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Posts : 2759
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : Virginia

OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021 - Page 3 EmptyMon Nov 01, 2021 5:57 pm

Time to change the calendar!!

Goto: https://horsefriends.forumotion.com/t123-november-2021#13866

or to "Basket" and then click on November 2021

Goodbye October!
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