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 Pie dessert for Christmas.

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Rick Angell

Rick Angell

Posts : 766
Join date : 2012-03-27

Pie dessert for Christmas. Empty
PostSubject: Pie dessert for Christmas.   Pie dessert for Christmas. EmptyFri Dec 03, 2021 3:36 pm


8 OZ cream cheese (softened)
1 egg
1/2 c. sugar (The fake sugar is just as tasty)
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix the above together until smooth

3 eggs

1 c.brown sugar (packed) (Again the fake works just as well)
1/4 tsp salt

Mix in well

Pour into deep-dish pie shell

top with pecans (halves and chopped)

BAKE at 350 for 50-55 minutes.  Part way through, you may want to cover with aluminum foil to protect from burning...maybe even from start.  Just keep eye on it while baking.

Cool and cover
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Pie dessert for Christmas.
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