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Join date : 2012-03-27

NOVEMBER 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: NOVEMBER 2023   NOVEMBER 2023 - Page 3 EmptyFri Dec 01, 2023 7:16 am

Happy December everyone. Can you believe it is December? Where on earth did this year go?

ARK: So sorry to hear that Donnie & you have contracted Covid. It's the gift that will never go away. Not much you can except ride it out. So far we have been able to outrun it. Knocking on wood and fingers crossed as I type those words. Praying you both get back on your feet soon. Just take things slow and easy.

Here in PA it's stomach flu season. So many people are sick with that nightmare. I blame the turkey dinners. We had chicken instead and so far no stomach flu at our house. So many friends are sick. One family of our friends 11 out of 22 who had Thanksgiving together had the flu and are recuperating. Glad I didn't attend that dinner.

My Christmas trees are up and all decorated. All 3 of the little buggers. It took a lot longer than usual and I couldn't find my favorite very old cut glass ornaments. After 3 days of searching I found them YAY. I thought I was being so careful when I put them away in a safe place. HAHAHAHA I guess it's time to make a list of where I put them when I put them away. I am queen of the lists..

INDY APP: Praying for our brother to be OK living by himself.

ELLEN: Isn't it amazing how aggravating a Christmas Tree can be???? Good luck.

GRAYMARE: Great to see you posting. Missed you..

Have blessed week...

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Posts : 2759
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : Virginia

NOVEMBER 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: NOVEMBER 2023   NOVEMBER 2023 - Page 3 EmptyFri Dec 01, 2023 4:09 pm

I thought we were the last American Covid-free couple. I guess you and George are! Keep holding on to that record!! ClappingHands We are both better today, but still craving naps. I am going to make some chicken soup this afternoon....the cure-all.

Time to change the calendar. December already. affraid

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