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 JUNE 2022

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Ellen E
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Ellen E

Posts : 3937
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JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptySun Jun 26, 2022 11:14 pm

A cousin and her family came up yesterday and spent the night. Husband did several little chores that I needed to have done. The jet ski got some exercise. I'm always glad when they come up.
Next weekend, another cousin and a friend of hers are coming to watch the fireworks here on the lake on Sunday night. Yes, there will be LOTS of people and boats.
We have a good new restaurant on a channel that is only about a mile away. Ever since it opened it has been BUSY. We'll eat there on Friday afternoon knowing that for the rest of the weekend it will be nearly impossible in to get in the place. As you sit there to eat overlooking the water, there is a parade of a variety of boats and pontoons going from one lake to another.
They also sell gas for boats to fill up. $7.50 per gallon. I'll buy mine at a local gas station and haul it to the jet ski. It's about $2 a gallon less. Jet skis are not very "fuel efficient". LOL

We got about 12 drops of rain yesterday. We could definitely use more. It's going to be a little cooler for the early part of this week with no rain in sight. I didn't even have to mow the grass this week.

Keep going, Ark. You'll get that 100th mile. Smile
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JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptyMon Jun 27, 2022 10:02 am

I got my hay in on Friday night. He was later than expected, but then that was expected. My hay guy (Dan) is a very nice guy, and makes beautiful hay, and always brings help to unload, but timely he is not. LOL. I always say he works on his own time and just expect him to be later than he says. His help this time was a 16 year old that had to show off and throw all of the hay off the trailer and into the hayloft himself instead of trading off with Dan. So Dan stacked the hay, kid, who was introduced to me as Hercules, threw bales and I kind of stood out of the way. Pretty easy for me this time. Only difficulty we had was getting the truck and trailer in and out of my driveway. The utility company has been putting up new poles and they put one in closer to my drive way than the old one. The guide wire that runs off of the pole to the ground is now really close to the drive way and now makes for a very difficult turn. I've put a call in to the utility company to complain / notify them that the guide wire will be hit at some point and they should fix it sooner rather than later. We'll see what happens.
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JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptyMon Jun 27, 2022 2:20 pm

Good job Indy..............I'll bet you're glad that's done. Hope they can straighten out the wire

Oh Donna, I'm so sorry for your friend............Friends have so much meaning at our age.
Have fun at the OES event and enjoy Ava...........

ARK, Donnie did it again..........Shadow is in behind the fence. This is a riot. Your photo
is beautiful.

We had a big rain last night..........grass is green and humidity is up.

Ellen,have a good time jet skiing.

Perfect morning here today............

Everyone have a good day.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptyTue Jun 28, 2022 7:53 pm

Nice day for a jet ski ride. Smile Late in the day, and very few on the lake. Full speed ahead!
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JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptyThu Jun 30, 2022 8:03 pm

Gosh, I can't keep up with you all! But here's a sample of what I've been up to.

Second carpal tunnel operation was May 27, and I feared a rough June because I'm very right-handed and it was on the right hand. Not so, not so, thank heaven! I was astounded to be back using it for just about everything within two weeks-- even to the extent of removing the flywheel from my sit-down mower to get it running again.

Aside: I'd never done that before but decided that having a go at that (at least as a first step) would be a lot easier than taking it elsewhere to be fixed by hitching the trailer up to the car and figuring out how, without a winch, I could ever get the monster onto the trailer. And I did fix the beast myself! I'd thought for sure that the problem was a broken flywheel key, but the key wasn't broken, so what I think was wrong was just oodles of crud generated by a big mouse nest. I did have to get my neighbor's rugged boyfriend (not a kid - a 55-plus man) to gently drop the heavy flywheel back into place for me, then leave me alone. And he scored all kinds of points with me for not even hinting that I was operating out of my league... Mower now runs fine.

Back to carpal tunnels: If you've got the problem and not had it fixed, do! The recovery period is nowhere near the 6 to 8 weeks I was told. And don't put it off. I did, with the result that the nerve in my left hand had died before the surgery, so I'm still experiencing pins and needles and loss of feeling in my left fingertips. (Makes it hard to type. Good thing you can't hear me...) Hand is recovering, however, just ever so slowly. (Buttonholes, too, remain a frustrating challenge...)

Still working on the marshmallow-shooting crossbow. Almost done. Next task: to shorten the stretchy part to give it more oomph. First try had the marshmallow floating two feet before flopping onto the ground. It needs to fly 50 feet BANG!! That stretchy part is a piece of Theraband issued me for exercise 1 8 years ago following a major bicycle accident. What a life !

Our weather here puts us among fortune's favored few: cool nights still, temps today in the 70s with a breeze, higher temps and humidity upcoming but nothing like what many of you are getting. You have my sympathy.

And Donna has my envy! We are still hotter than Nova Scotia.

Take good care, all.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

Posts : 3937
Join date : 2012-03-27

JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 01, 2022 11:17 am

Good for you, Beech! You got it fixed all by yourself!

I have my cousin and a friend of hers coming for the weekend. There will be fireworks here on the lake tomorrow night. The guy has spent a LOT of money to get them. He started a go-fund-me page to help with the expense. I think he reached the required amount. So many people around here are happy to help out since they can see free fireworks from the comfort of their own boat or pontoon, or from their own decks or docks. I'm in a good location to see it all. There will be about 150 or 200 boats and pontoons here on the lake.
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Location : Virginia

JUNE 2022 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JUNE 2022   JUNE 2022 - Page 4 EmptyFri Jul 01, 2022 6:28 pm

You are a better woman than me! Congrats on fixing that mower's flywheel!! cheers cheers I would be trimming the grass with scissors. I will tell my donkey/pony farrier what you said about carpal tunnel. She is having that done in mid-July.

Have fun at the fireworks! Sounds like a great seat to watch the show. I have spent a few Fourths in the barn when neighbors across the road were shooting them up over our house. Luckily those folks don't do that anymore. Now three houses along the ridgelines near us shoot them up over their houses. My horses seem to not care much anymore. The dog, on the other hand, is not happy.

Glad your hay is in the barn! Send that guy down here, please! :-)

How do your horses, and dogs, handle fireworks? It seems more folks shoot them off every year here.

Well, it is July 1 and time to change the calendar....go to: https://horsefriends.forumotion.com/t133-july-2022#14456

or click on Basket and then on July 2022.

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