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 Thursday Morning

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Join date : 2012-03-29

Thursday Morning Empty
PostSubject: Thursday Morning   Thursday Morning EmptyThu Jun 09, 2022 8:14 am

Good Morning All,

I haven't been in here for a few weeks but getting the house cleaning done was first thing on my to do list. FINALLY got the last of it done on Monday and now I can relax for a while and enjoy the warm weather (whenever it arrives).

ELLEN, I got a message from a Beth Bruegger, don't know if she is a friend of Susans or relative, saying that she had passed and how I happened. I had messaged Bryna the first of May to see how her Mom was as we hadn't had any emails from her for a long time. At that time she was going home the next day from rehab. Bryna said she would let me know how she was doing but I didn't hear anything from her and it was a shock to see the message from Beth. God love her, she has gone through the ringer for a very long time between Bryna as a teen and Mike with his health issues. I always think of her just as we met her, honey blonde hair coiffed in her french roll, makeup up and styling in her clothes. She was beautiful and funny and added a lot of humour to our reunion in KC. That was such a fun time, as you know,  and will always be one of the highlights in my lifetime. She is with the rest of the FOOPS that have passed and I'm sure they are all trading stories. HT is keeping them all in line, lol.

Raining and not a nice morning here. Supposed to clear up later today and then we will have a few days of sun. Yesterday was a year since I had Tommy Girl put down. I think of her every day and hope that Tracey is finally friends with her, she didn't like her here on earth, Smile When I see the price of hay, feed and all the rest that is going up and up, I'm glad that I don't have that expense any more BUT I miss the horse.

ARK, I would have been in the next county if I found a snake in the shed, never mind looking down at me from a shelf!!!! Not a fan of the things and we don't have any that bite!

I didn't watch any of the Jubilee, hockey was usually on tv and that is where I would be. Elizabeth has always been a favourite of mine since I was a little girl. She and Margaret would be in every news reel at the theatres with their ponies and of course that endeared me to them. I have followed her throughout her life and marvelled at her stamina and grace. I did watch The Crown and loved it. It certainly gave me a different view of the rest of the Royals, Philip and Charles especially. (I'm thinking she is going to die on the throne as she doesn't want to see Camilla be addressed by whatever title she will have, won't be Queen Camilla for sure.) Of course, I'm Canadian, she is the head of the Commonwealth which makes her my Queen.

Well, guess there is nothing more going on here. Must get my day going.

You all have a good one. ELLEN, don't fall off that seadoo.
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Posts : 2759
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : Virginia

Thursday Morning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thursday Morning   Thursday Morning EmptyThu Jun 09, 2022 10:52 am

This post was placed in the wrong spot, so I have copied it and posted it in June 2022. This 'topic' spot is now locked. Go to "June 2022" to reply.

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