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 AUGUST 2022

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Ellen E
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Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 16, 2022 7:16 pm

Doncha just hate it when the person who tells you not to lift is right? Tomorrow will be soon enough to move more hay bales.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 16, 2022 11:21 pm

Yikes! I guess you have a legitimate excuse not to lift heavy things after giving blood! Congrats on getting your hay done! I wish ours was done. Between rain, rain, and more rain, we haven't started the second cutting yet. I just read the Farmer's Almanac says it is going to be a very cold and extra snowy winter. Now I can worry until I have our haybarn filled and wood in the wood shed. After weeks of hot weather, then rainy weather, today it was 66 degrees. In August.

We visited a county park that has the county reservoir in it last Saturday. Nice lake, no power motors allowed. The campground was bumper to bumper with vehicles and campers. We were visiting a friend, but I don't think I would like camping there during summer. After Labor Day might be nice. I bet the off season is nice on your lake, too.

Has the pup recovered from her surgery?

Donnie loves his first knee replacement. He gets around so much better. He is getting the shot in his other knee next week, then it should feel better for awhile. He bought a special bicycle so he could ride, but he has to be careful, it still stresses his 'bad' knee.
Glad you had a great vacation!! And that your friend is feeling so much better. That's wonderful! wavy

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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 16, 2022 11:51 pm

Ark, in the last two weeks, most of our schools have started. That means that high school sports have begun too. So, the lake has been pretty quiet the last week or so. I can go out on the jet ski and have 7 lakes almost all to myself. After Labor Day things will get VERY quiet. The cooler nights make the water too cold to swim comfortably.
Around the middle to the end of September people will start pulling out boats and docks, as will I.
The traffic on the road by my house will be very lightly traveled. Only people who live near here will use it. There are times when it might be a couple of hours or more with no cars passing by at all.
When I first moved up here two of my neighbors each told me that I would love seeing all the weekenders leave in September and love seeing them come back in April. They were right.

Has anybody ever done a serious study to see if the Farmers' Almanac is accurate? I see their predictions now and then but never remember what they said as the winter progresses.
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Location : Virginia

AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 20, 2022 12:07 pm

I heard years ago that they were 50 % accurate, about what the weather service is. But the article I read recently said they were 80 % . I find that a little hard to believe, but maybe it is so.

Had a nice ride on Thursday at Pandapas with Ivan. He was super mellow. I think all those small rides in the arena have helped him be more patient. He has been on that major trail at Pandapas so many times that I think he is most comfortable there than at the New River Trail where he only goes occasionally. Thursday was great, the weather was like a fall day, but the trees and plants were very green from all the rain we've had recently. We rode with two other geldings, a QH and a TB. The boys all did wonderfully!
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 20, 2022 9:16 pm

Hi everybody,

Life is slow here due to burnout with heat and monsoons. Even the ice cream truck quit coming around.
Part of it is families in the hood are on vacation. School opening dates are so radicial I don't know
when the kids even start. Politically parents are up in arms over the state donating money for people to
make choices for education and the public schools are losing teachers and student base. Arizona has many problems
keeping teachers. It's a real mess. I'm glad I don't have young kids as I would home school in the days
and work nights. What are your schools like ELLEN, in Indianapolis? I hear on teacher applications they have around 10
choices for sex.........I just can't get over it.

SO, Nelly and I just hang on the couch in the afternoons...........she's such a blessing. She's no trouble and
has learned house manners and loves sitting with me.

The horses are fine.

I can't get over how old acting I've become.................

Everyone have a good evening................


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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 20, 2022 11:42 pm

Graymare, many of the schools are having trouble getting enough teachers. In one district about 40 miles from here, they are paying substitute teachers $300 per day.
I think there are two main reasons. 1. They aren't allowed to maintain discipline in their classrooms, making it almost a combat zone. 2. Some are being told to teach subject matter they completely disagree with.
In my opinion, the money for education should follow the student, wherever the parents choose to send them. Indiana does that. Because of some of the controversial information, more and more parents are choosing to home school. There was a time I was really against that. But the materials are so much easier to get. There are home school co-ops where kids can get all the subjects they need, taught by people who can do it. Sports provide socialization opportunities. Field trips are available any time it seems appropriate.
Colleges are finding that home schooled kids are better prepared and have a better idea of time management.
To be fair, not all parents are capable of home schooling. So private schools might be a better option.
One of my neighbors has a son who is a P.E. teacher. The other day he was substituting in a science class because they couldn't get a regular sub for it. He was not happy.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2022 4:16 pm

Have any of you ladies had any experience with electronic devices that you can wear and it will call to a call center in case of emergency? The call center will then call a family member or call 911 depending on the situation? There are a lot of them out there, looking for recommendations.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2022 4:47 pm

Indy, a neighbor had one of those but I don't know which one. I was the top of the list to call because I lived closer than anyone in her family.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2022 9:08 pm

I don't know about the necklace kinds. My Apple watch will ask me if I have fallen down if it gets knocked or if I do fall down, then first call Donnie. If he doesn't answer it then calls 911. Since Donnie rarely has his phone with him, it would probably have to call 911. I have to tell the watch I didn't fall down. One reason I got this watch was because of this feature. If I fall off Ivan out in the woods somewhere, it should call someone if I don't respond. I hope I never test it. I do have to carry my phone with me for it to work. I don't have the kind of watch that has that feature built in, although they exist...$$$

Did your tractor arrive? Do you love it? Have you named it? Ours is named Big Tractor and its little brother, the lawn tractor, is called Little Tractor. We are so imaginative.... Rolling Eyes I did name my new bike Bluebell. Very Happy

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 7:32 am

Good Morning,

It's a rainy kind of morning here but very welcome since it has been so dry. I don't think the amount we get will make much difference for the ones that have no water in their wells. I have a good well and in the longest, driest summers it would never go below 18" with a reservoir at the bottom. September is usually a month with lots of hurricane "after storm" rains here so here's hoping.

Life is going on and summer is rapidly disappearing. Next week I leave for a week to spend with two of the "girls" I lived with in the '60's, the fourth is not well enough this year to travel. Looking forward to our time together. We revert back to being 20 year olds again, lol.

My friend Judy, the one that had the stroke, was scheduled to be shipped out today to a rehab facility! I went to see her yesterday and wished her well and I would be in to visit her there next week! Well her daughter informed me last night that the plans to send her were put on hold, if not cancelled. She was so savage, called our MLA and got a recording, I'm sure she will appear in his office this a.m.! They won't tell Judy until this is all settled because it will be such a disappointment to her. I am so disappointed and frustrated with this outcome, she has been in hospital since the middle of June, only has physio two times a week and that is certainly not enough. Pray that this is straightened out very soon.

I have a rec for a X-ray of both SI joints. I need a cortisone shot in the right side and have needed it for a long time. My back is killing me most of the time and I sit with an ice pack on it when I'm able. The shot in my knee has been wonderful and I have no pain at all, just hope it lasts for a long time!

Holy cow, I just reread this post and can't believe that I'm talking about nothing but ailments, mine and others. I really am fine other than the back problem which is chronic, lol.

I don't seem to have any news to report except medical this morning. Oh, my Son and GF were here for the weekend with their three dogs and we had a good visit. I was the dog sitter while they went to a fishing derby on Saturday but they all get along just fine. John spread mulch for me on Sunday before they left so that was good.

Must get off here and see if I cant get an appointment for the X-ray. You all have a great day.


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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 12:54 pm

I've heard good things about the Apple watch, but for my brother I need something that is just a button as one of his issues is his fine motor skills in his hands are compromised and he just can't manipulate little buttons. That and he hates wearing watches. So I'm in research mode looking for one of the services with the button, that has GPS tracking and as inexpensive as possible. There are a lot of the services out there and they all seem to be very similar. The least expensive systems don't offer the necklace with the speaker so if he fell outside or in the garage it wouldn't do him any good as his voice wouldn't carry far enough for the stationary speaker box in the house to hear him. I'm learning an awful lot about the systems and what they can and cannot do. Last night he fell of his chair while trying to get his compression sock off and his phone was on the other side of the room. He was finally able to crawl over to his phone to call me, but in the process his prosthetic leg fell off. Fortunately he wasn't hurt and he was able to laugh about it afterwards, but definitely something I'm going to have to get set up soon.

DONNA, enjoy your time with friends!
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 7:53 pm

I had the Watchman procedure today. Everything went very well, other than being done too late to go home today.

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 8:43 pm

Glad all is well ELLEN...............

More storm warnings h ere.............Bettter get off.

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 9:05 pm

Glad it went well! How do you feel? My local cardiologist was all set to ship me off to have that procedure. When I dragged my feet a bit, he sent me to Roanoke where they installed a heart loop recorder to record episodes of heartbeats that they thought was aFib. This was to make sure what exactly I did have. I didn't have aFib, so thank goodness I didn't go along with the local cardiologist! The Roanoke guy is so much better. I have never wanted to take blood thinners, I was sure I would do something silly, like get thrown from a horse and then bleed internally. Now I don't have to take them after all. I would have gotten the Watchman to avoid bloodthinners. Congrats for not having to take them after you heal up!!

I am sorry your friend isn't going to the rehab like she needs. Hopefully they will clear that up. Sometimes it takes a loud advocate to get what you need. Good luck on the x-rays and shots! Donnie is getting a shot in his knee tomorrow.

We just watched the first episode of "1887", the prequil series to Yellowstone. Wow. I am surprised anyone lived long enough to travel all the way west!! Lots of horses and Sam Elliott. Good show. Very Happy We are going to watch this, then watch Yellowstone. It should keep us entertained for awhile.

Today on our trail ride, I slapped the heck out of Ivan's rump trying to kill a monster horsefly. He was a little surprised, but took it well. I missed the horsefly. Then my Apple watch said, "Did you fall down?" Apparently that was a pretty hard slap. I told it I didn't fall down. I did finally kill one on Ivan, my friend killed one on her horse, and later, Donnie killed one on our trailer tire. We got buzzed frequently. Next time we are wearing our anti-fly/ultra screaming yellow rump rug. Had a very nice ride today, though!

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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 9:51 pm

Ark, other than having a bit of a raspy throat because of the tubes during the procedure, I can't tell that anything happened. I feel fine. Zero pain. The only discomfort is having to stay here and not being on my own couch.
The reason I have to stay overnight is because another patient had a big problem and caused a delay in getting mine started. Otherwise, it would have been an outpatient thing.
I hope you don't need it, but if you do, go for it.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 9:54 pm

Graynare, and everyone, get a whole-house surge protector. It doesn't cost much and will protect all your computers and appliances if there is a storm. Definitely worth it.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 24, 2022 7:19 am

Good morning my dear friends.  Even though I haven't been on here lately please know you are in my prayers. With cooler weather we have been busy outside, do odds and ends that needed taken care of but it was too darn hot to venture outside.

I have great news about my freind Ashley.  Last Friday I went to visit her and she was outside, walking on her walking path.  No walker, no cane nothing for support.  Praising God for the miracle in her life.  We actually walked her path which is one mile long together.  I could hardly keep up with her.  Now every Friday we are going to walk the path together.  I bought new walking sneaks, sketchers my favorite sneaks, located my walking sticks and am ready to walk on.  She had a MRI yesterday on her brain to see if the tumor has grown or is responding to treatment. 

Hard to believe the August is almost over.  Looking forward to fall, my favorite season.  All is well here in PA, but we could use some rain.

Love & prayers.   
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 24, 2022 2:08 pm

Ashley is living evidence that there are still miracles happening. I wonder what the doctor thinks who predicted 2 weeks?
Praise God for letting us see what He can do.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 24, 2022 2:08 pm

Oops. I sent a message twice without intending too.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 25, 2022 7:25 am

Morning Folks,

Just dropped in for a few minutes while enjoying my tea and watching the humming birds fight outside on the deck. I have three hanging feeders and a lot of birds.

Had my xray yesterday on both SI joints and hips. That's done now to wait to get an appointment for a shot. I ran up to see Judy while I was in hospital and she was just finishing her physio. They did something different with her yesterday and she got a good workout. I see that they had her walking with a cane and some other apparatus, not a walker, as they left them in her room. She doesn't know that she isnt going to the rehab Asap, so I would never mention it. Her Daughter is fighting to get her reinstated on their admission and has our MLA working for her. She got a reply back from stroke unit leader last night that the rehab has the two page report from here that has to be reviewed again by the doc that decide she wasn't coming. I don't understand the procedure as she certainly needs to go. I picked her up two pair of PJ's while I was out yesterday as when she goes she will need lots of those as family is 2 1/2 hours away and will not get to see her every day, so nobody to do her wash.

I have a pedicure this a.m. after the gym, an oil change in my car at two, and a hair appointment at 6:15. A busy day so had better move my butt and get going. Have a good day all.

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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2022 9:27 am

Summer is winding down. The temperatures are lower. Some of the trees are beginning to change color. The cottonwoods are starting to drop their leaves. Schools are back in session. Fewer people are swimming.
I'm not ready for all this to be happening.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2022 11:42 am

It is good to hear that TRUDY's friend, Ashley, and DONNA's friend, Judy, are both doing better. Amazing!! Good for them! I hope Judy gets into the rehab place she needs to go to.

It's still warm and very green here. All the rain has really kept things green. It looks more like June than late August. It's going to be 83 degrees today, so the heat hasn't left us yet. All the rain has kept us from getting our hay done, though. Donnie went out to work on the hay baler about 10 days ago and found a newly hatched nest of Carolina wrens inside of it. Rolling Eyes So we can't do hay anyway until they fledge. Carolina wrens make nests in the craziest places. They made one in the gooseneck of our old horse trailer one year. They seem to make them in snake paths in the barn a lot. It's amazing the species survives.

All our barn swallows have left for parts south last week. We had a bumper crop of them in the barn this year, probably due to Donnie catching 5 black snakes in the barn. We really enjoy the barn swallows. The barn is very quiet now.

My sister, Vicki, and hubby have a 50th wedding anniversary coming up in December. Donnie and I have one in 2024. So to celebrate, we are going to take a trip together next August. We just put a deposit down on a cruise to Alaska after taking a train trip across country. Should be fun. Very Happy It will take me a year to find decent clothes and a farm sitter I trust.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2022 2:54 pm

Ark, I have some summer neighbors who spend a lot of time in Alaska, two or three times a summer.  They usually fly to Vancouver, then get on a ship for a cruise, their floating hotel.  They take many of the excursions and side trips.  You'll love that trip.

Here is the feel-good story of the day. Cody's Wish won at Saratoga over Jackie's Warrior. Jackie's Warrior is a top horse and is going to stud after this.
Cody's Wish is a special horse for a special kid. Here is the article about it. I dare you to read it without a few tears.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2022 8:39 pm

I thought your article was good ELLEN. I thought the races today were boring. The talking and nonsense between
races was off the charts boring...............the running horses are becoming lower and lower in numbers.
It's sad, I think. I love seeing a full field and a safe race...........

Nelly is SO cute if I do say so myself...........she fetches, comes when called, sits and. stares with me, does not chase
horses, so far.

Just waiting for cooler weather..........

Everyone have a good evening...........
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2022 9:29 pm

I'd heard the story of Cody's Wish at least a year ago. Maggie Wolfendale told about it and explained how the horse got his name.
Horses know things.
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AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AUGUST 2022   AUGUST 2022 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 28, 2022 11:03 pm

That was a nice article about Cody's Wish. Very sweet of the owners to do something good for the boy.
Wow, your friends must like that cruise a lot! That's good to hear!

Nellie sounds like a very sensible pup! How old is she now?

Donnie and I washed three horses this evening. Hopefully Trinket and the dog will get a bath tomorrow evening. It's been hot and they were all sweaty yesterday and today. I am taking Ivan to Pandapas Pond tomorrow and hope he decides to stay clean overnight. He lived thru the bath with minimal drowning.
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