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 MARCH 2023

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MARCH 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MARCH 2023   MARCH 2023 - Page 3 EmptySat Mar 25, 2023 3:43 pm

Really nice photo ARK.............Ivan is a beauty................
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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MARCH 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MARCH 2023   MARCH 2023 - Page 3 EmptySun Mar 26, 2023 11:41 pm

Ark, color me envious.  I wish I was going on a trail ride.

This afternoon, Little Miss Scarlett's youngest sister, 5 year old Nora, came over to visit for a little while.  She wanted some ice cream that she knew I had.  So, I fixed her a little bowl.  While she was eating it, she asked if I had any chocolate syrup.  When I told her I didn't have any she muttered, "Who buys ice cream and no chocolate syrup?"  
She is a really funny little kid.
Her mommy is the one we are praying for.  Mommy's first appointment is April 6th.
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Ellen E

Ellen E

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MARCH 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MARCH 2023   MARCH 2023 - Page 3 EmptyThu Mar 30, 2023 12:14 pm

Where did everybody go?
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Posts : 2759
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : Virginia

MARCH 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MARCH 2023   MARCH 2023 - Page 3 EmptyThu Mar 30, 2023 12:43 pm

We have been busy, busy. We pick up my sister on Saturday for a month visit here. Of course, the spare bedroom now has lots of stuff stored in there since no one has lived there in several years. So we are rearranging our stuff, laying down 2 new room-sized rugs, trying to get ahead of the growing bushes, burning brush, going to doctor's appointments, and basically running ourselves ragged.

The trail ride was really nice. I do need to find others to ride with, my riding friend keeps inviting non-riders to ride her old horse with us. I keep waiting, and hoping it doesn't happen, for someone to have a major accident on a ride. Her old horse is very sweet, but anything can happen. Last time she invited someone, the saddle slipped around under the horse's stomach. Luckily, the old guy is very tolerant and the rider was fairly athletic and got off before he got hurt. I always bring a spare helmet, none ever want to use them. sigh.... The newby riders are oblivious as to the dangers of riding an unknown horse into the woods.

Ivan was really great on the ride. We rode in front for 5 miles on a totally loose rein. He knows this trail and seems more and more comfortable on it. He didn't spook at the two deer that jumped across the trail in front of us, was leery of hikers who didn't speak, but didn't react to them other than stopping and looking. After I got them talking, Ivan walked right by them.

I have probably done a foolish thing. I signed Areion and myself up for the Virtual Tevis Cup 100 miles in 100 days challenge. It starts on April 19 and goes until July 31. It will either force me to ride her, or I will walk her in-hand for 100 miles. I know I can do it on Ivan since we did it last year, so doing it on Areion will be a harder challenge. I need the extra push to make myself ride the more difficult horse. Riding Ivan is fairly easy these days. So get ready for endless updates.... ROFL
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Posts : 2836
Join date : 2012-03-27

MARCH 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MARCH 2023   MARCH 2023 - Page 3 EmptyThu Mar 30, 2023 11:21 pm

Oh gads, here is some entertainment. Two (actually 3) friends in assisted living right now. The one that
broke her leg a couple of weeks ago is crab apple personified..............the food is awful, the windows aren't big,
I can't go anywhere in my wheelchair, people everywhere, healthcare reps everywhere, etc. When she
got finished with her rant I asked her if I needed to fly down there and straighten all the mess out. She calmed
down and started laughing at herself as she is really a nice civilized lady. They did give her chocolate
pudding with her meds. I said they're very nice and the windows are fine they're just not floor to ceiling.
We'll see how it goes once she settles in.............she's very social.

My other friends love their new surroundings and have settled in well. They play cards/games
almost everyday and go to the library often. Also they have many visitors so they are exhausted
by bedtime. By the time they do their morning routine they're ready for a good day.

And, of course I keep in touch via phone, text, & email.

It rained all morning............yesterday I worked on weeds with a friend as I'm not strong enough
to pull the big ones at my age.............

Later gators..........flower flower flower

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Posts : 2759
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : Virginia

MARCH 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MARCH 2023   MARCH 2023 - Page 3 EmptySat Apr 01, 2023 11:28 am

It rained all night here and the winds will be blowing all day today. We put off our trip to pick up my sister for a week. Traveling thru West Virginia mountains in high winds is just not much fun. So we'll get her next weekend.

Spring has sprung! Time to change the calendar. go to:


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